Home Learning

Remote Learning


Hartshill Academy Homework - our homework is designed to support the work the pupils do in the classroom and for teachers to identify areas of work that pupils find hard.

All pieces of homework can be accessed through teams, using the link set as an assignment or directly through the individual websites. The online homework can be accessed on any devices, as long as they have an Internet connection, (Phones, Tablets or Laptops).

All students have been given a username and password for Teams, Educake and Sparx. If you have any problems accessing any of the homework sites or if your child does not have access to a device they can do their homework on, please email the school on homeworkHHA@Hartshillacademy.org.uk

All homework is set on teams on a Monday and the deadline will be the following Monday.

Subjects on each site:

  • Subjects on Educake - English, Science, Geography, History and Computer Studies
  • Sparx – Maths
How to access live lessons and lesson resources

How to access live lessons and lesson resources on MS Teams 

1. You must first log in to MS Teams

The format for the username is as follows:

The year the pupil joined - e.g. Y7 will be '22', Y8 will be '21' etc. The first two letters of the pupil’s first name and then the whole surname is used to structure the email address.

John Smith would be: hh20jo.smith@Hartshillacademy.org.uk

Sarah Jones would be: hh20sa.jones@Hartshillacademy.org.uk

2. Once logged in, click the ‘Teams’ icon.


Code of Conduct for Pupils for a Live Lesson 

General rules and expectations: all pupils are expected to follow the general rules for acceptable behaviour when using Microsoft Teams including: 

  • Pupils are not required to wear school uniform but must be dressed appropriately at all times
  • Pupils should find a workspace that is quiet, safe and free from distractions with an adult nearby
  • Pupils should ensure face to face communication is only between teachers and pupils. Any parent/carer to teacher communication should be in the usual manner
  • Pupils must never send or accept invites to join Teams from anyone other than a Teacher. This particularly applies to people outside of Hartshill Academy
  • Pupils should behave in a respectful, polite and courteous manner at all times
  • Pupils should not upload, share or forward material that could be considered  offensive, inappropriate or illegal
  • Pupils should not make comments that could be considered offensive in the chat function. This explicitly includes any form of cyberbullying
  • Pupils should not share any personal information with anybody online

It is important to remember that these sessions are the same as being in Hartshill Academy, in a classroom, and we must remain sensible and polite at all times.

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Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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