Operation Encompass helps children who experience domestic abuse.
How it works
Operation Encompass aims to reduce the long-term impacts of domestic abuse by providing early intervention and support.
When the police attend incidents of domestic violence or abuse where children are directly or indirectly involved, they notify the designated safeguarding lead at the child’s school before the start of the next school day. The safeguarding lead then makes sure the child gets the immediate support that they need.
Training is also offered to school staff - teaching them to identify and support children affected by domestic abuse.
The programme operates in all police forces in the UK. It is available for every school in every police force. Where police forces have the capacity, they include registered nurseries, pre-schools and childminders.
How you can help
If you're a parent or carer concerned about a child affected by domestic abuse speak to the designated safeguarding lead at the child’s school.
The Operation Encompass Professionals’ National Advice and Guidance helpline is available on 0204 513 9990, Monday to Friday, 8am-1pm.
It offers free advice to teachers from educational or clinical psychologists on how best to support individual children. They can also discuss whole school policies and practices about supporting children experiencing domestic abuse.
More information
You can find more information at the Operation Encompass website. All materials and resources are free for schools to use.
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