Art & Design

Head of Department: Mrs T Weikert-Picker 

Introduction of the Art & Design Curriculum

In Art & Design we aim to encourage creativity through exploration and experimentation. Our curriculum focuses on developing key skills in a wide variety of media, materials and processes including drawing, painting, ceramics, 3D structural forms, textiles and photography.

Pupils are given the opportunity to analyse and critically reflect on both their own work and the work of others including artists, craft makers and designers and are taught how art and design has influenced historical and cultural development around the world. 

Key Stage Three

Key Stage Four

What do the courses involve?  

The courses are practical, and the marking criteria is split between a 60% portfolio (coursework) and a 40% exam (set task). This will allow pupils to demonstrate a wide variety of artistic skills in a variety of contexts. Guided by teachers pupils will put together a showcase of their best work. The set task from the exam will be provided by teachers and pupils will spend time completing the work for this during the school day. Pupils are required to produce a wide range of coursework throughout the two years. Pupils will be required to research and develop work in your own time.

Art & Design Assessment overview for KS3

There will be a formative assessment during each project and a summative assessment at the end of each unit. 

Both KS3 & KS4 will have internal standardisation and moderation. KS4 will also have external standardisation.

Year 10 Key assessments (Course work only) 

  • Autumn 1 is AO3/Autumn 2 is AO3 & AO1   
  • Spring 1 & 2 are AO2
  • Summer 1 & 2 are AO1, AO2 & AO3 

Year 11 Key assessments 

  • Autumn 1 & 2 AO2 & AO4 (coursework)
  • Spring 1 AO1 & AO3 (exam) + an overview of all 4 AOs for coursework.
  • Spring 2 AO2 & AO3 (exam)
  • Summer 1 AO1, AO2, AO3 & AO4 for Exam & coursework. (Formal moderation) 
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