A Sixth Form College
These do have entry requirements and generally offer a range of A Level and in some cases BTEC qualifications. These qualifications can take you to university or into apprenticeships and employment. You would normally choose between 3 and 4 subjects to study over a two year period.
Further Education Colleges
Further Education Colleges generally offer vocational courses and qualifications. These qualifications can take you to university or into apprenticeships and employment.
Apprenticeships combine practical training in a job whilst studying for a qualification. Apprenticeships are offered at different levels and in a wide variety of employment areas. As an apprenticeship you will work alongside experienced staff, gain job specific skills, earn a wage and get the opportunity to study to ensure you get a relevant qualification.
A traineeship is the time spent learning a job (or vocation) under a supervisor. You can do a traineeship in just about any workplace, for example in a shop, a fast food outlet or an office. Traineeship qualifications range from Certificate II up to Advanced Diploma. As a trainee, you and your employer will have a legal agreement called a training contract. This lasts until you have completed your training and both you and your employer agree you are competent.
You can spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering while in part-time education or training.
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