When pupils reach Key Stage 4, they study Biology, Chemistry and Physics, in line with the AQA GCSE Science specifications. Our pupils either follow the Combined Science: Trilogy route, which enables them to obtain 2 GCSEs, or they follow the Separate Science route which results in 3 stand-alone GCSEs.
In Year 7, we start ‘small’; zooming in to focus on cells and particles. Then in Year 8, we start to pan out to see how these ‘small things’ interact, and what happens when they do, by studying topics such as “Light and space” and “Electricity and magnetism”.
We zoom in again during Year 9 with topics such as “Cell biology” and “Atomic structure”. We use the work from Year 7 as building blocks to scaffold these ideas, aiming to provide the pupils with an increased depth of understanding.
In Year 10, interactions with respect to chemical reactions, movements of energy and the human body are studied, which links to topics covered throughout Years 7, 8 and 9.
Then in Year 11, we zoom out again and look at how interactions take place in the wider world in topics such as “Ecology” and “Chemistry of the atmosphere”; which can be linked to many topics previously covered.
The beauty of the Science curriculum is the many threads that are repeatedly revisited throughout the 5 years; along with developing skills in managing risk, planning, evaluation and consolidation.