
Director of Learning: Dr Soraya Khan

Head of Chemistry: Mr J Williamson

Introduction of the Science Curriculum

Principles of the curriculum:

The United Learning curriculum for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 science is based on the National Curriculum.

In Key Stage 3, pupils are taught topics from Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The curriculum has been designed to develop the pupils’ working scientifically skills, focusing on problem solving, teamwork, communication, numeracy and literacy.

When pupils reach Key Stage 4, they study Biology, Chemistry and Physics, in line with the AQA GCSE Science specifications. Our pupils either follow the Combined Science: Trilogy route, which enables them to obtain 2 GCSEs, or they follow the Separate Science route which results in 3 stand-alone GCSEs.

In Year 7, we start ‘small’; zooming in to focus on cells and particles. Then in Year 8, we start to pan out to see how these ‘small things’ interact, and what happens when they do, by studying topics such as “Light and space” and “Electricity and magnetism”.

We zoom in again during Year 9 with topics such as “Cell biology” and “Atomic structure”. We use the work from Year 7 as building blocks to scaffold these ideas, aiming to provide the pupils with an increased depth of understanding.

In Year 10, interactions with respect to chemical reactions, movements of energy and the human body are studied, which links to topics covered throughout Years 7, 8 and 9.

Then in Year 11, we zoom out again and look at how interactions take place in the wider world in topics such as “Ecology” and “Chemistry of the atmosphere”; which can be linked to many topics previously covered.

The beauty of the Science curriculum is the many threads that are repeatedly revisited throughout the 5 years; along with developing skills in managing risk, planning, evaluation and consolidation. 

Implementation of the Science Curriculum
  • Teaching and Learning

In our lessons we chunk, model and scaffold in order to make them accessible to all pupils. Our approach to teaching and learning supports our curriculum by ensuring that lessons build on prior learning and provide sufficient opportunity for independent practice. Our lessons typically follow a simple instructional core which we call “teach/check/practice”:

  • Teach: Explanation and modelling
  • Check: Check for understanding
  • Practice: Independent practice

During the ‘check’ phase, mini whiteboards are used multiple times, allowing for quick checks of understanding. The ‘practice’ phase of the lesson is especially important, as this is where the pupils are required to ‘struggle’ and produce work that is the product of their own thinking.

Feedback is a key part of our lessons, as this allows pupils to appreciate how to improve their work and deepen their understanding of science. Live feedback takes place at various points in our lessons, and whole class feedback is given once a fortnight for Years 7-9 and once a week for Years 10 and 11.

Assessing the impact of the Science Curriculum
  • Assessment

In our lessons, we assess the pupils’ understanding using various methods:

  • Do Now tasks
  • Pause points
  • Formative assessments – mid year and end of year

All of our lessons start with a Do Now task. These assess the prior learning of the pupils and can give the teacher a quick indication of any reteach that may be necessary.

At the end of every topic, or sometimes at the midway point of a particularly large topic, the pupils are given a ‘pause point’. The aim of the task is to call upon their revision and retention of the content that has been covered previously.

Finally, the pupils have formative assessments in the form of mid-year and end of year assessments. Here pupils are required to revise multiple topics. The aim of these assessments is two-fold; firstly, we aim to prepare pupils for their final exams in Year 11, and secondly, we hope to instil a solid work ethic that the pupils will hopefully carry forward with them in their future endeavours.

United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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