Text BoxBy teaching our curriculum well, and delivering education with character, we bring out the best in everyone at Hartshill Academy. We use both formative and summative assessment in maths to ensure that our pupils make progress.
Formative assessment
A range of impactful formative assessment takes place in maths lessons; this allows us to adapt our teaching to the needs of our pupils. Some examples include:
- Our ‘Do now’ tasks at the start of the lesson are used as retrieval tasks to allow pupils to demonstrate what they can remember from previous lessons.
- Questioning in lessons. Teachers check understanding so they can fill gaps and address misconceptions as required; this includes Cold Call and No Opt Out, as well as Stretch It.
- Whiteboards are frequently used in the check phase of the lesson to ensure pupils are actively involved in the learning and that all pupils are taking part. Teachers adapt their lessons depending on the answers pupils give, for example, this may highlight a misconception that the teacher can address with the class and then move on.
- Low stakes quizzes – these are sequenced as part of retrieval practice,
Summative assessment
Summative assessment is used to assess the content delivered through the year across a range of topic areas.
- All pupils in years 7-9 will complete half termly assessments, a midyear exam and an end of year exam, these allow us to check for retention of knowledge and skills, as well as highlight any areas where pupils may need additional support.
- Pupils in year 10 will complete end of unit assessments, a mid-year exam and an end of year exam. Each exam question is linked to a sparx code, this is to help pupils focus their revision and allows them to demonstrate their depth of understanding in the given topics.
- Pupils in year 11 will complete two sets of mock exams to allow us to track their progress towards their final GCSE exams in May and June. Following each assessment, all pupils are given a personalised revision list to highlight their areas of strength and areas for development. This document also contains the sparx codes to support pupils with their independent revision at home.