Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance and Post 16 education.

Careers education is an important part of a young person's development. At Hartshill Academy, we are committed to ensuring that the academy has a strong careers programme that supports our pupils from Year 7 until Year 11. We help our pupils to make well informed decisions about their next steps and provide impartial advice and guidance.  

Careers programme 

Our careers programme is developed in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks. As part of our careers programme, we offer the following: 

  • All pupils in Years 7-11 access a programme of lessons within the HART programme, which focus on different aspects of careers and employability skills.
  • All pupils complete a short careers survey to help us identify several career sectors they are interested in, so we  can direct opportunities to genuine interests.
  • All pupils will have at least one ‘Employer Encounter’ during each year. These encounters include visits to local universities, mock interviews and national careers events such as The Big Bang.
  • Local business and employers visit our pupils to offer practice interviews and attend an annual Careers Fair, which is open to all pupils and parents.
  • Access to online resources to support careers development such as e-Clips or Let’s Do Business helping pupils to research careers independently.
  • We offer access to businesses, employers, Post 16 providers to deliver talks and assemblies each year to make sure all pupils know the opportunities available to them when they leave school.
  • In Year 10 and 11, every pupil has a 1:1 guidance interview with one of our Careers Advisors. Parents and carers are able to attend this interview if they wishwould like to.
  • We actively promote access to a wide range of careers to all pupils challenging stereotypes and careers, which traditionally have been gender-specificgender specific.
  • We encourage the development of work ready skills through our curriculum and extracurricular activities. 
Curriculum plan


Find out more

If you are a parents/carer of a pupil at this academy and would like to know more about our careers programme
Gatsby Benchmarks

To help us with our planning we follow a set of core guidelines called The Gatsby Benchmarks. These are 8 key areas that contribute to effective careers provision. Each term we complete an evaluation using a system called ‘Compass’ this allows us to rate our provision against each benchmark and indicates what our focus needs to be. Our aim is to reach 100% in all 8 benchmarks!


Quality in Careers Standard (QICS)

In December 2022 we were awarded the national Quality in Careers Standard (QICS) including the Ixion Gold Award, this was awarded under license by Ixion. QICS demonstrates our commitment to all pupils to the highest quality careers programme and activities.

Evaluation of our Careers Programme

We evaluate our careers provision annually and do this effectively via the compass+ evaluation tool. This tool is used to let us know how we are performing against the Gatsby Benchmarks and provides us with areas for improvement. 

Careers Team

The careers leader Kate Wooldridge is available to support with general advice and guidance and more specific careers-based questions.

They can be contacted on

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