Food & Nutrition

Head of Food & Hospitality: Mrs A Sullivan

Introduction the Food & Nutrition Curriculum 

The Food Preparation and Nutrition curriculum strives to support pupils to become an accomplished chef and food scientist, across a five-year journey.  The curriculum includes the most detailed food knowledge and is sequenced to optimise understanding. Each of the five topics, food issues, nutrition, science, provenance, and safety are introduced and built on in year 7, 8 and 9 in preparation for years 10 and 11.  This supports pupils in identifying where the lesson fits and how the content will help answer knowledge check questions.  

The curriculum is then sequenced to build upon prior knowledge in nutrition building on this foundation thus giving the pupils a more in depth understanding of food issues and applying the theory to the practical and vice versa, the roadmaps for Key Stage 3 & Key Stage 4 evidence this.  Pupils need to make informed decisions using a variety of evidence and food skills. To support this, they will conduct experiments and practicals to relate the theory to the practical. 

Implementation of the Food & Nutrition Curriculum

We would like pupils to have a well-rounded view of not only the food they eat, but the food eaten by diverse groups around the world, taking unfamiliar cultures and religions into consideration. Pupils are encouraged to look at food provenance through different perspectives. This is achieved through deliberate practice, pupils will be taught through high quality explanation, modelling and scaffolding.  Firstly, pupils learn how to describe and explain, before progressing to evaluating and assessing the significance of nutritional concepts.  

Through a sequenced curriculum, which allows teachers to reteach and respond to changes, pupils will be able to consolidate their knowledge and understanding and be able to apply this to new situations. Teachers include the most up-to-date and relevant locational knowledge for example if there are health concerns, a relevant food programme, or newly released research. 

The degree of detail is referred to in the five-year scheme of learning and linked closely to both the knowledge checks and skills audit at the start of each year.  Key pathway assessments have been identified for each year group as steppingstones of information to grasp before moving onto the next rotation and year.  Through effective retrieval practice and identified points for re-teaching concepts are revisited. Core knowledge is built on from a foundation level in Year 7 to a more complex and sophisticated level in years 8 and 9 

The key aim of the curriculum is for pupils to be able to articulate both orally and through deliberate practice that they have an awareness of nutrition, food safety, issues, provenance and science both in theory and practical. Pupils will be able to confidently define key terminology and outline concepts. Pupils will be able to consider issues from a wide variety of viewpoints and practices. Pupils will be able to engage in conversations about nutritional issues and consider the consequences of diet both in theory and practically at various stages of development. 

Key concepts

The key concepts running through the curriculum throughout the five years are:

Food Issues

Food Nutrition

Food Science

Food Provenance

Food Safety

Year 7

In Year 7, pupils will build on their learning. Assessment will be both practical and theory based.  

Year 8

In Year 8, pupils will develop their knowledge and skills learned in Year 7, building on the complexity of both practical and theoretical aspects of the course. Assessment will be both practical and theory based.  

Year 9

In Year 10, pupils in Food Preparation and Nutrition will complete five modules:  

  • food issues 
  • food nutrition
  • food science
  • food provenance
  • food safety 

These modules further develop concepts of food, nutrition and health knowledge focusing on macro and micronutrients. Pupils will explore the main influence diet has on food choice and special dietary needs, and how recipes can be adapted accordingly.  

Assessment will be both practical and theory based.  

Year 10

In Year 10, pupils in Hospitality & Catering will complete two units: 

Unit 1: The Hospitality and Catering Industry  

  • This includes exploring different types of providers and how they operate, as well as food safety and health and safety.  

Unit 2: Hospitality and Catering in Action  

  • This includes exploring why nutrition is important and how to effectively plan nutritional menus. 

Assessment will be both practical and theory based. 

Year 11

In Year 11, pupils studying Food Preparation and Nutrition, along with pupils studying Hospitality and Catering, will spend the Autumn term completing their non-examined assessments.

Using small and regular assessments developed using past exam papers, pupils will revisit and revise key concepts to help fill in gaps in their knowledge and prepare for the summer term exam.

Practical lessons will be linked to theory to help consolidate this knowledge. 

Assessing the impact of the Food & Nutrition Curriculum

Formative assessment takes many forms such as cold calling, mini-whiteboards, stretch questions and whole class feedback. 

Summative assessment takes place in the mid-year and end of year theory assessments; In Key Stage 4, there are additional practical mock exams, which allow us to assess, analyse and design support for pupils who require intervention due to concerns about progress.  

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